Advanced Laser & Pain Relief Solutions

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Arianna Morgan

founder & ceo Cantiq
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Dr. Melinda Sykes Bellamy

I am a board-certified Family Medicine physician with over 20 years of experience in private practice. Throughout my career, I have been dedicated to providing compassionate, patient-centered care, working closely with individuals to develop personalized treatment plans that best meet their unique needs. Outside of my profession, I am happily married and a proud parent of two wonderful daughters. In my free time, I have a deep love for traveling, exploring new places, and experiencing different cultures. My passion for medicine and commitment to my patients continue to inspire me every day. I am leaving the office for the weekend and will be back in touch on Monday.
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Dr. Breck Tiernan

Dr. Tiernan earned his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Iowa before pursuing his medical degree at Des Moines University College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. He completed his residency training at Norwegian American Hospital, honing his skills as a highly trained podiatric surgeon. 

In 2007, Dr. Tiernan began his podiatric career in Joliet, where he has been dedicated to providing comprehensive foot and ankle care. While he is an experienced surgeon, he believes that many conditions can be managed conservatively, leading him to explore alternative treatment options. In 2014, he introduced the MLS laser to his practice, a revolutionary addition that significantly enhanced patient care. 

Outside of his profession, Dr. Tiernan enjoys spending time with his wife and three children. He is an avid golfer and a passionate collector of baseball cards.


Our Doctor

Et non est nisl mi vitae faucibus ut nulla amet malesuada bibendum massa vivamus tempor imperdiet posuere fusce adipiscing