Advanced Laser & Pain Relief Solutions

Aquaroll Therapy

Effective Pain Relief and Healing with Aquaroll Therapy

At Thrive Laser Pain Center, we employ some of the most advanced therapy options available. One such option is Aquaroll therapy. This therapy is popular among pro sports teams and athletes, such as Shaquille O’Neal and Kevin Durant.

During Aquaroll therapy, patients submerge their feet in warm water filled with 30,000 glass beads. The Aquaroll then rotates as the glass beads create a compressive and vibratory effect. The compression stimulates the blood flow, which in turn helps the body heal. At the same time, the vibrations soothe nerve pain, making Aquaroll an excellent option for those with diabetes and neuropathy.

Throughout the therapy session, patients are instructed to perform range of motion exercises. In doing so, this helps to strengthen the affected area.

What Condition Benefit From Aquaroll Therapy

Some of the conditions that would most benefit from Aquaroll therapy include:
Heel Pain
Joint Stiffness
Plantar Fasciitis
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Achilles Tendinitis
Post-operative Recovery
Sports Injury Recovery